Serve first those who suffer most

Sister Barbara Hance House: Housing
Located in Ellsworth, Sister Barbara Hance House is single-room occupancy housing. SBHH prioritizes those experiencing homelessness and is run by the Emmaus Homeless Shelter. This beautiful home has nine rooms for rent in a boarding-house-style setting.
What We Do
Each resident receives a key to their own bedroom and share living room, kitchen, on-site laundry and bathrooms. Tenants are required to sign a lease for at least 6 months and adhere to building rules. You can find the housing application here or call 207-667-3962 to have an application mailed to you.
Hospitality House: Low-Income Housing

What We Do
Hospitality House is H.O.M.E.'s answer to the lack of affordable housing in our community. It is located on First Street in Bucksport and has 7 one-bedroom apartments for rent to individuals/couples who qualify. Heat/hot water and electrical utilities are included as well as snow removal and lawn care.